sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014

Don't go to Brazil.

It is a bit conflicting write a post about reasons to miss Brazil just followed by "Don't go to Brazil", but throughout the post you will understand what I mean. I am as busy as a businessman, but I really needed to express my anger and disappointment.

This week in my state we had a police strike, just like many others we had in the past. The one thing that called my attention to this one was how USED to Kansas I am now. I walk fearless on desert streets in the middle of the night, I leave my stuff unattended at the library, I trust rides from unknown people, I use my electronics in public, I feel safe everywhere in here. Today, I see those things as normal, and completely different from what I was used at home. And let us admit, that is how it should be EVERYWHERE! Seeing all these nice people here, makes me wonder why would we chose not to be nice to each other ? I only want ed one good reason and I would be done.

This strike was just the alarm clock, that woke me up and reminded me the bad things about the place I call home.

Within a few months Brazil is going to host the biggest soccer event in the world, The World Cup, but the people is mad. We love soccer, however, we've been through years having problems with public health, public education, public transportation, and the list goes on with many PUBLIC AFFAIRS. The point is, even though we hear that Brazil is growing (I was even taught in my Geography class here), we can't see any investment return to the population welfare at same rate, without mention all the corruption. (just a short parenthesis, I am really thankful for the program I am in, I am sponsored by the government, however, I have to mention that it is nothing comparing to what we need as return).
Then the World Cup, the main phrase is "We have money to build stadiums but not to build hospitals...". So we fought, down in the streets. I was there, and I was proud of my people.

Video 1: in English showing and explaining the protests that happened last year.

After almost a year from those events, a police strike comes up, and the "same people" who once was fighting for their country, now play the bad guys and taking advantage of the "lack of security", they rob and kills for their own benefit.

What I would like to say, is that the problem IS NOT the strike (oh well, strikes are problematic, but are not the main thing here), but how to be proud of people who fought together and when nobody (police) is watching they kill and rob themselves. Today I AM disappointed with my people.
Video 2: compilation of looting, and armed robbery.
 The quality is not great, but shows 1st people breaking into a store, 2nd armed robbery 3rd people in line to break into another store.( these are just 3 out of many many many case I heard about)

Is that really what we are supposed to do ? I believe, for the amount of people looting, there might be only a few real criminals, the rest are people like me, maybe even people that I hang out with taking advantage on the "nobody is watching". So, is that all about fear of jail ? What about the real good people I used to talk about ? What about being good to each other ? What about LOVE ?

I guess we forgot all of this. Because today I see, an IPhone in the hand is worth more than values. (and when I say values, I am NOT TALKING ABOUT MONEY!)

By the way, what are values ? Our dear friend Google say something (if you write define values).

a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life."

Is that what is important in life really ? I won't even talk about religion, even though I am a Christian.

That was directed to EVERYONE. 

- For those who still not corrupted by the desire to HAVE THINGS (or any other desire) regardless of who they have to hurt or take from.

-For you who think about going to Brazil.

-For Brazilians, in general. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

Analyzing the two places, with or without strike, I will probably have to be robbed a few times before get used to be afraid of everything and everyone. I could see both sides of the coin, and Brazil is not the bright one. I had forgotten how bad we (people in general) could be, as I now remember, I give you this advice: Don't go to Brazilunless you are looking for a dangerous adventure in a place in bad conditions.

In fact I have a lot of  reasons to be proud of my country, but government and this kind of behavior are sure not one of them.

Bellow are a few problems of our country.

Hugs & Kisses!

hospital público

otoristas enfrentam trânsito na Marginal Tietê, sentido Rodovia Ayrton Senna, na altura da ponte do Limão, na zona norte de São Paulo, nesta sexta-feira. (Foto: Daniel Teixeira/Estadão Conteúdo)

Cadê a novidade? Vereador cria projeto que proíbe descarte de lixo no chão de Salvador

Foto4: Pobreza e desigualdade social. source:

Ficheiro:Sussuarana (Salvador) 2.jpg


2 comentários:

  1. Olá, cara. Estarei chegando em K-State em Junho/2014. Gostaria de conversar contigo pra saber algumas informações a respeito da Uni e sobre a viagem. Algum e-mail ou facebook que eu possa entrar em contato.
    Ah, e muito bom o blog. Abrço

    1. PS: ou se preferir, no facebook,
