segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2014

Ten reasons to miss home (Brazil). #1

Olá! Esse vai ser em inglês, pois todo brasileiro vai entender as imagens!

Hi, everybody! This one is gonna be in English cuz I know every Brazilian will understand.

So here are some reasons why Brazilian people miss home when they are abroad.

1. Warmest people in the World.

Hugs and kisses are surely the best way to greet a person, and guess what ? You don't have to know each other very well to do that!

If you've been to Brazil you know that, mainly in the northeast, you may meet a person and in a few hours be best friends with him/her.

2. We live in an endless summer.

That is specially for the northeastern people, beaches are welcome from January to December and that is it! No heavy clothes, no tons of layers, no cold at all ! Hahaha.

3. The Beautiful beaches.  

Ok. Is not that there are not good beaches outside Brazil, is just that we have plenty of them!
Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro-RJ

Piatã, Salvador-BA
Porto de Galinhas, Recife-PE
Taipu de Fora, em Barra Grande, na Bahia
Taipú de Fora, Barra Grande-BA
Baía dos Porcos, em Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco
Baía dos Porcos, Fernando de Noronha-PE

4. We are all different. 

Do you know when someone ask what people look like in Brazil ?
The people in east/southeast Asia are very distinct, people on India or Midwestern are also distinct from the other places, but in Brazil is somehow indescribable.
So, that is a question without an answer. I'm gonna show you why !

Misses states

Some Brazilians at K-State

Brazilian ethnicity diversity

What do you think ? Are those people able to be described by a standard ? That is what makes it so beautiful!

5. Our natural environment rocks! 

Ok. I don't live in the middle of the amazon; However, once in my geography class we were being taught about Brazil, and consequently about the amazon forest. We watched a video about the rain forest and guess what ? I cried! I had a beautiful country all this time, and didn't realize that. The worst part of this story is the fact that we are ourselves killing what we have for money.
Jaguar (Onça-Pintada)
The Sloth. 
I would dare to say the funniest animal in the world, I couldn't stop laugh when I saw that NatGeo video, they completely live their life in slow motion!
Parrots of all colors.
Amazon River, Amazon Rainforest
Second largest river in the world, 12x the size of Mississippi River.
Sertão is more or less like an Brazilian desert. 

Chapada Diamantina
It is a national park, but God has made it what it is. 
Brazil has much more than this. Come and check it out!

6. Food for every taste and the original BBQ!

Come to U.S. and you're going to notice that either you have fried stuff or sweet stuff, and basically there are no specialties besides burgers, an weird barbecue and steaks. Wait... BBQ ? Let me show you what is it !

The Real BBQ

Moqueca de peixe
A zillion more different food specialties could be said, but here we go with the daily meal most missed by Brazilians:
The old and good Feijão com Arroz
Just regular beans and rice. (NOT SWEET AS BAKED BEANS)

7. Great Landmarks
Caratas do Iguaçu, PARANÁ.

Lençois Maranhenses, Barreirinhas-MA
Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro-RJ

Cristo Redentor, Rio de Janeiro-RJ
Elevador Lacerda, Salvador-BA
Pantanal, MT, MS.
Chapada Diamantina, BAHIA.
Palácio do Planalto, Brasília-DF
This last one is the one of the official palaces of presidency. The building was designed by the architect Oscar Niemeyer, the most famous Brazilian architect in the world.

8. A football game that really uses the feet.

I never was a soccer big fan, but eventually I ended up watching my favorite team play every time I could. Except for the United States, I guess, every single country acknowledge "soccer" as football.

I've watched some american football here, and being realistic the game is somewhat cool, but the matches are too long! Besides, isn't as much dynamic as real football could be, pauses for every down, time outs, and etc...

One thing is good about it, and I have to confess, They never stop supporting. The marching band has a lot to do with it, but at least works and we have fun even losing sometimes.

The Exception: The Goalkeeper.
9. A real birthday party.

Where are all the "brigadeiros", "beijinhos", "coxinhas", "kibes", "empadinhas" ? 
If you don't know what is that, keep reading...

Every children's party and many grown-ups parties, have besides the cake, some sort of snacks that we call (docinhos) "little sweets" for the sweet stuff, and for the salty stuff I don't even know what could be equivalent but looking around I have found the word "savories".

Here are some typical birthday food:



I won't take long explaining what is it like, but I'm sure you can find on the search service of this website ...if you're interested. Hahaha!

One more tradition on birthdays, and one of the most pleasant (not for the birthday person haha) is to throw and crush eggs on the birthday person. I have no idea about where and when it started, but if you have friends, avoid then until the party time! Hahaha.

Well...eggs are not the only thing involved. :D

The last Birthday Party issue is the shortened version of the happy birthday song! How so ? 
Repeating "Happy birthday to you" a couple times doesn't make it a good song. Go for a google search and look how many different words are in the Brazilian Birthday Song (Parabéns pra você). Hahaha.

10. Family and Friends.

Honestly the only thing that really makes me think to go back, the rest I can get over.

That's it! I'm gonna try to think, and whenever I get some good ideas, we may have some posts like this.

Stay tuned for new posts! 
Have a good one!

quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014

Merry Christmas!

Fala gente! Tudo certinho ?

Vocês conhecem aquela história de Natal sobre Jesus ? Senão eu vou contar...

Era uma vez Jesus, ele nasceu em algum momento há 2000 anos atrás, ele como Deus desceu a terra, se fazendo carne para que seu povo pudesse ser salvo através dele. O natal é básicamente a celebração do aniversário de Jesus, celebração da sua vinda à terra! Não esqueçam disso, ok ? MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Então agora vai a minha experiência natalina.

Geralmente você a experiência natalina ocorre de 1 à 3 vezes, a depender da família. Uma vez que pode-se ter um dia na casa dos avós maternos, outra nos avós paternos e outra em casa mesmo.

A ceia.

Perú sempre! O resto acho que não é muito relacionado a tradição não, é mais por diversão: casseroule, milho, algo parecido com batatas gratinadas, feijões verdes, arroz, potato chips, steaks e por ai vai...

Dip é uma coisa bem legal, sabe aquele patê que você usa uma faca pra passar no cream cracker ? Pra que faca mesmo ? Como o nome já diz (Dip=Mergulho), o cracker vai direto no que quer que esteja na tigela, e quanto mais você conseguir pegar melhor!

Christmas Stockings
1.Ouvir músicas natalinas é indispensável!
"Santa Klaus is comming to town!", "Silent Night", "Feliz Navidad","Jingle Bells", "So this is Christmas+" são alguns que não podem faltar. Segue uma playlist legal se quiser ir se acostumando com a tradição ! Hahaha.

2.Jogar "Pitch", um jogo de baralho muito interessante, as regras você encontra online, é bem simples e TODOS jogam um grande campeonato com varias meses, o que acaba sendo muito bom pois ninguém fica de fora.

3.Assistir filmes de natal!
Acho que pode ser qualquer um que se passe na época de natal, indo de "Home Alone" (Esqueceram de mim") à "Elf"(Um duende em Nova York). 

4.Troca de presentes. Todos ganham e presentes, geralmente os presentes são abertos por rodada, primeiro as crianças depois os adolescentes depois jovens até os mais velhos. É interessante ver a diferente reação entre cada uma das idades.

5.Grab bag. Esse é bem divertido também! Números são sorteados e cada pessoa pega na respectiva ordem escolhe abrir um novo presente ou roubar um dos que já foram abertos, as coisas esquentam nesse aqui. Hahaha, Brincadeira.

Snowman, Sled, Snowball Fight, eu nem menciono porque aí já tem a ver com o inverno em sí e não exatamente com Natal.



O problema em tradições é que as vezes elas não valem a pena e pessoas simplesmente continuam a fazer porque seus antepassados faziam também. Mas convenhamos, WHAT A GREAT TRADITION IT IS!

Se eu já gostava do natal no Brasil só por reunir a família, agora eu estou apaixonado. Como diria meu amigo, no natal aqui a gente tem neve de verdade, chaminé de verdade, papai noe... whoops! not actually...

O comentário que eu fiz aqui quando me perguntaram sobre o Natal no Brasil foi "É quase a mesma coisa - não exatamente, né ? - exceto pela intensidade como tudo acontece".

Christmas aqui é muito mais mais do que especial de Roberto Carlos! Hahaha.

PS: Ainda ganhei foto no calendário da família pra 2014 ! Hahaha.

Family Pic

Valeu galera! Até o próximo post! MERRY CHRISTMAS ATRASADO